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Department of Water and Environmental Regulation HYHOURF V74 Output 14/09/2024 Site 609041 Blackwood River - Gingilup VarFrom 10.30 Stage - SL in Metres, Provisional VarTo 141.30 Stream Discharge in Megalitres/Day, Provisional Start Time 08/09/2024 End Time 14/09/2024 Table Type Rate Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Hour 08/09 09/09 10/09 11/09 12/09 13/09 14/09 Hour 0- 1 2821 P2570 P2330 P2126 P1949 P1796 P1672 P 0- 1 1- 2 2811 P2559 P2320 P2118 P1943 P1790 P1668 P 1- 2 2- 3 2802 P2549 P2313 P2110 P1935 P1784 P1663 P 2- 3 3- 4 2792 P2536 P2305 P2102 P1928 P1777 P1659 P 3- 4 4- 5 2783 P2526 P2297 P2094 P1921 P1771 P1655 P 4- 5 5- 6 2773 P2515 P2287 P2086 P1915 P1765 P1650 P 5- 6 6- 7 2762 P2503 P2278 P2078 P1907 P1759 P1647 P 6- 7 7- 8 2753 P2492 P2270 P2069 P1900 P1754 P1644 P 7- 8 8- 9 2742 P2482 P2260 P2061 P1893 P1748 P1638 P 8- 9 9-10 2732 P2470 P2251 P2053 P1886 P1743 P1635 P 9-10 10-11 2724 P2462 P2242 P2048 P1881 P1736 P1633 P 10-11 11-12 2712 P2451 P2236 P2041 P1876 P1732 P1631 P 11-12 12-13 2701 P2442 P2226 P2035 P1870 P1728 P1627 P 12-13 13-14 2690 P2432 P2218 P2028 P1865 P1724 P1626 P 13-14 14-15 2679 P2422 P2209 P2021 P1857 P1719 P1621 P 14-15 15-16 2668 P2411 P2200 P2013 P1851 P1715 P1619 P 15-16 16-17 2657 P2401 P2192 P2005 P1845 P1711 P1615 P 16-17 17-18 2648 P2393 P2184 P1998 P1838 P1706 P1611 P 17-18 18-19 2637 P2385 P2176 P1991 P1832 P1700 P1608 P 18-19 19-20 2627 P2375 P2168 P1985 P1827 P1697 P [ ] 19-20 20-21 2614 P2365 P2159 P1978 P1821 P1692 P [ ] 20-21 21-22 2603 P2356 P2150 P1969 P1815 P1687 P [ ] 21-22 22-23 2592 P2346 P2142 P1963 P1808 P1682 P [ ] 22-23 23-24 2581 P2338 P2134 P1957 P1802 P1677 P [ ] 23-24 Mean 2704 P2449 P2231 P2039 P1874 P1733 P [ ] Median 2707 P2447 P2231 P2038 P1873 P1730 P [ ] Max.Hr Mean 2821 P2570 P2330 P2126 P1949 P1796 P [ ] Min.Hr Mean 2581 P2338 P2134 P1957 P1802 P1677 P [ ] Inst.Max 2827 P2575 P2335 P2131 P1953 P1799 P [ ] Max Time 00:10 00:00 00:10 00:05 00:00 00:05 00:00 Inst.Min 2575 P2332 P2129 P1952 P1796 P1675 P [ ] Min Time 00:00 00:00 23:55 23:55 00:00 23:25 18:40 Summaries ------------------ Notes ------------------- --------- All recorded data is continuous and reliable except where the following tags are used... Mean [ ] P ... Provisional Median [ ] [ ... Not Available Max. Min. ------- ------- Hourly Mean [ ] [ ] Instant [ ] [ ]