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Department of Water and Environmental Regulation HYSITREP V132 Output 18/02/2025 Page 1 HYSITREP - Site Summary Report 609025 - Blackwood River - Darradup SITE DESCRIPTION Site: 609025 Darradup Site Name: Blackwood River - Darradup Infrastructure commenced: 1/05/1956 Ceased: Grid Ref: Zone: 50 Easting: 372581.021 Northing: 6229056.510 Grid Datum: MGA2020 Map Grid of Australia 2020 Latitude: -34.071494453 34°04'17.4"S Longitude: 115.619119911 115°37'08.8"E Lat/Long Datum: GDA2020 Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 Comment: The following comment refers to continuous time series data collected for this site and stored in hydstra.After the big closure of 1999; some stations were left still (unofficially) running. Under this status - the stations were run at [no cost] mode - they would not be serviced - if the logger worked that is fine - if the logger failed no effort would be put into reconstructing data; no rating reviews; no dms or anything. The data would just go up [as is]. STATION DESCRIPTION Control description: Max Gauged Stage: 22.620 Max Gauge Date: 27/01/1982 D'stream from Dam: False Catchment Area: 11593.040 RATING TABLES Var Var Start Start From To Date Time Site Table 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 22/05/1956 00:00 609025 1 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 31/05/1964 00:00 609025 2 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 03/01/1965 00:00 609025 3 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 15/02/1967 00:00 609025 9 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 02/07/1968 13:30 609025 30 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 02/10/1971 18:50 609025 11 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 03/01/1974 00:00 609025 12 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 06/08/1974 17:00 609025 13 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 15/09/1975 09:00 609025 14 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 03/01/1976 00:00 609025 15 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 04/09/1976 00:45 609025 16 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 19/04/1977 12:00 609025 22 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 30/09/1977 03:00 609025 20 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 05/04/1978 04:00 609025 19 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 27/07/1978 10:00 609025 20 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 27/02/1979 14:50 609025 24 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 13/12/1979 00:00 609025 26 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 20/03/1981 13:20 609025 27 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 17/07/1982 17:00 609025 29 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 26/04/1983 12:00 609025 32 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 01/01/2006 00:00 609025 34 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 23/08/2006 10:48:03 609025 33 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 05/09/2007 22:52:16 609025 35 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 02/08/2008 01:13:49 609025 36 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 25/07/2009 19:25:34 609025 37 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 24/08/2011 04:27:09 609025 38 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 10/09/2012 17:50:42 609025 39 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 20/09/2013 16:50:20 609025 40 10.00 STAGE (m) 140 Discharge (m³/s) 02/09/2014 12:00 609025 41 24.00 Water Temp situ(°C) 1006 COND. COMP. FACTOR 01/01/1900 00:00 TEMPFACT 1 1005.00 CONDUCT. COMP.(mS/m) 1001 TDS - (mg/l) 01/01/1900 00:01 SWGEN 1 1008.00 CHLORIDE (mg/l) 1001 TDS - (mg/l) 01/01/1900 00:01 SWGEN 1 TIME-BASED TABLES Var Interp Extend Back Extend Fwrd Date Value Qual 101.00 Stage - AHD (m) No Yes Yes 22/05/1956 00:00 21.00200 1 101.00 Stage - AHD (m) No Yes Yes 01/01/2006 00:00 21.00300 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 22/05/1956 00:00 10.06100 1 Department of Water and Environmental Regulation HYSITREP V132 Output 18/02/2025 Page 2 HYSITREP - Site Summary Report 609025 - Blackwood River - Darradup 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 31/05/1964 00:00 10.00000 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 03/01/1965 00:00 10.00000 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 15/02/1967 00:00 10.06100 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 02/07/1968 00:00 10.06100 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 07/10/1971 00:00 10.06100 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 03/01/1974 00:00 10.06100 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 06/08/1974 17:00 10.02200 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 15/09/1975 09:00 10.02200 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 03/01/1976 00:00 10.02200 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 04/09/1976 00:45 10.02200 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 19/04/1977 12:00 10.02200 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 30/09/1977 03:00 10.02200 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 05/04/1978 04:00 10.02200 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 27/07/1978 10:00 10.02200 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 27/02/1979 14:50 9.96500 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 13/12/1979 00:00 9.96500 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 20/03/1981 13:20 9.96500 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 17/07/1982 12:00 9.96500 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 26/04/1983 12:00 9.96500 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 01/01/2006 00:00 9.96500 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 23/08/2006 10:48:03 9.96500 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 05/09/2007 22:52:16 9.96500 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 02/08/2008 01:13:49 9.96500 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 25/07/2009 19:25:34 9.96500 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 24/08/2011 04:27:09 9.96500 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 10/09/2012 17:50:42 9.96500 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 20/09/2013 16:50:20 9.96500 1 102.00 Stage - CTF (m) No Yes Yes 02/09/2014 12:00 9.96500 1 103.00 STAGE - Telemetry(m) No Yes Yes 26/07/2012 00:00 0.00000 10 998.00 Catch. Area (km²) No Yes Yes 01/05/1956 00:00 11593.04000 10 998.00 Catch. Area (km²) No Yes Yes 01/06/2011 00:00 11593.04000 10 GAUGINGS 325 gaugings between 01/08/1958 and 05/02/2025 BENCHMARKS Date Bench RGLD Text 01/05/1956 1 42.482 01/05/1956 2 21.480 01/01/2006 4 42.593 01/01/2006 5 21.590 CROSS SECTIONS Type Section Date Run SectNo XS Control 0 16/02/1979 0 000001 TR Travellerway 0 19/02/1979 0 000002 TW Tailwater 0 16/02/1982 0 000003 XS Control 0 01/02/2006 0 000005 PERIOD OF RECORD (TS (A) ARCHIVE) Variable Start Date End Date 10.00 STAGE (m) 22/05/1956 17/02/2025 10.13 STAGE (m) S type chart 03/03/1989 20/07/2006 24.00 Water Temp situ(°C) 13/01/2006 16/04/2024 80.00 Cond Comp (µs/cm) 13/01/2006 16/04/2024 80.01 Cond Comp (µs/cm) 01/01/2007 15/03/2007 86.14 Cond uncomp in µS/cm Preserved 13/01/2006 05/06/2014 PERIOD OF RECORD (DISCRETE (GW) ARCHIVE) (no data found)